Registration is Open

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and all pedaling potatoes, gather ’round! It’s the time of year when we hop on our two-wheelers and set sail on the greatest cycling adventure ever. No, not the Tour de France. Please, that’s for over-caffeinated, spandex-clad professionals with more time than sense. We’re talking about our very own, infinitely superior, and unquestionably more enjoyable alternative: Le Tour de Couch Potato.

We’re replacing grueling hill climbs with leisurely jaunts to local breweries. Instead of breakneck sprints, we’ll be pausing for photo ops with local livestock. As the “pros” tour France, we’ll pedal around our neighborhoods, basements, trails, etc. to reach our 100 miles in 3 weeks. Don’t forget the most important part: have fun and don’t take the ride too seriously.

Dust off your helmets, pump up your tires, and join us for a cycling adventure unlike any other. Register now, fellow cycling potatoes, and we’ll see you at the starting line!



Happy Pedaling,

Madam Tuber

2 thoughts on “Registration is Open

  1. good morning:~}

    couldn’t find the email to double check if i was automatically registered… ipad likes to play games with me :~] so i filled out the registration form :~>

    thanks for organizing:~)

    marshmallow fluff potato



  2. Madam Tuber,

    Sorry, I accidentally signed up for the Le Tour de Couch Potato again. I’m already signed up. Can you please remove my second registration from today, June 2?

    Thank you, Chip-n-Dale

    *Dale K. Scott * Customer Support Manager – Virginia Motorola Solutions, Inc. *M. *540-379-5853 *E. *

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