Registration is Open

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and all pedaling potatoes, gather ’round! It’s the time of year when we hop on our two-wheelers and set sail on the greatest cycling adventure ever. No, not the Tour de France. Please, that’s for over-caffeinated, spandex-clad professionals with more time than sense. We’re talking about our very own,Continue reading “Registration is Open”

Registration Opens June 1!

Hello, Couch Potatoes! It’s that time of year again—time to dust off your stationary bikes, stretch those legs, and get ready for the most exciting virtual cycling event of the summer! Registration for this year’s Le Tour de Couch Potato opens on June 1, only 5 days away. Keep an eye on out for eitherContinue reading “Registration Opens June 1!”

Countdown to 2024 Registration

Greetings, fellow couch potatoes – let the countdown begin for the 13th edition of Le Tour de Couch Potato. In less than a month, June 1st to be exact, we’ll open registration. Gather your family, friends, and your neighbors because this cycling experience is perfect for riders of all ages and abilities. We’re here toContinue reading “Countdown to 2024 Registration”

Nine Months and Counting

Mark your calendars, spuds and spudettes! In just nine more months, the event of the year, Le Tour de Couch Potato, will begin! We know, the anticipation is practically unbearable – almost as unbearable as peeling oneself off the couch after a winter-long Netflix marathon. As the leaves turn and the air gets that crispContinue reading “Nine Months and Counting”